}); Porting guide for Unite 2 ( Kitkat and Lolipop) ~ Micromax Unite2 development

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Porting guide for Unite 2 ( Kitkat and Lolipop)


Our device Unite2 is blessed with hundreds of custom roms. Developers have ported every possible roms to test on A106. 

Here, I share my guide to port roms to Unite2.

Well, before start, remember that Unite 2 has Mediatek 6582 chipset,  So porting from the same chipset is comparatively easier.  Lets check the procedure.


Keep the stock rom of your device in your PC.

Most of the port roms are Smart Phone flash tool versions.  So in order to make it recovery flashable, we have to make some changes first.

1. Find out the 'system.img' in the downloaded port rom folder.

2. Extract system.img using  extractor

3. After completion of extracting the contents to 'system' folder, check inside folders like apps & priv-apps.  You have to delete not so required apps for reducing size.  You can delete items like Youtube,Chrome, Opera etc.  Care must be taken not to delete critical apps like Playstore etc. Delete only apps the functions of which you clearly know.

4. Now copy Meta-inf folder from any custom rom of your device.  If you wish, you can add your rom details in the updater script xml file (inside Meta-inf/com/google/android)

5.Copy  pq and vold files from stock rom's system/bin folder and replace it to port rom same folder.

6.Go to port rom etc folder, delete Bluetooth, Firmware and Wifi folders. Take these folders from stock rom and paste in port etc folder.

7. Copy all libaudio files (10 items) from system/lib of STOCK and replace it in PORT sys/lib.

8. Copy  ' Generik.kl' file from STOCK sys/usr/keylabout and replace it in PORT ( not always necessary, do only if keyboard not working when testing the rom)

9. Delete Vendor folder in PORT and take it from STOCK rom.

10. Open 'build prop' xml file in system folder.  Search for rotation and make its value 180. Change language and region according to yours. Check 'density' and make it 210 or 230 or 240.

11. Go to system/media folder of PORT rom, There you see bootanimation zip file.  Extract it somewhere in your PC and check image size.  If it suits your device, it can be used otherwise replace it with STOCK bootanimation.

12.  Take the boot image and logo.bin of STOCK rom and replace them with PORT boot.

Now select META-INF, SYSTEM FOLDER, BOOT and LOGO.BIN together and make zip.

DONE.  Flash the zip through recovery.


1. Take Meta-Inf and boot img from stock 5.0 LP rom

2. Extract system.img into folder just as described in KK porting guide above.

3. Go to ETC folder, delete & replace FIRMWARE, BLUETOOTH & WIFI

4.Go to PORT system/lib/ and delete EGL and HW folders. Take it from STOCK  lp rom.

5.Delete VENDOR folder in system and take it from STOCK rom.

6. Bootanimation and  buildprop edit just as mentioned in KK port above.  If the port rom is of single sim device, do changes to make it dual supported.  Search for  these lines and make like this.


Build prop edits:

Check rotation value and make it 180
Check density value and make it  220/230/240 any one of these.

Done.  Make all folders into a zip just in KK port and flash through recovery.


  1. can we use this method for porting roms for micromax unit3(Q372)

  2. This guide is common to all mediatek device porting. If Unite3 is mediatek device, you can do it.

  3. how can I port marshmallow for lollipop?
